New Ocean Health Solutions
New Ocean Health Solutions

New Ocean Health Solutions

Changing the tides of chronic health, mental health and healthy lifestyle management

We designed a personalized, digital coaching application to help employees and health plan members manage their whole health and lifestyle support needs.

It is a fraction of the cost of competitors and can be integrated into your ecosystem within two weeks of launch.

Employees gain access proven methods to improve health outcomes in a personalized environment, and employers gain a partner that continuously assesses and enhances engagement on an ongoing basis.

Over a three-year period, we showed a 60% participation rate among eligible users, significantly surpassing the average 40% engagement rate of traditional wellness programs.

Be part of the solution. Change the tides with New Ocean.

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Our solution helps employees manage:

Chronic Conditions

Addresses the most costly and challenging aspect of healthcare with customized daily care plans, digitally embedded coaching and progress tracking over time.

  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Asthma
  • COPD
  • Hypertension
  • High Cholesterol
  • Post Heart Attack Support
  • Angina
  • Anxiety
  • Depression


Motivate healthy lifestyles with personalized goals with trackable activities, challenges, science-based educational content, strategic messaging, and expert and peer support to drive sustainable behavior change.

  • Nutrition and Physical Activity Tracking
  • Weight Monitoring
  • Healthy Sleep Habits
  • Memory and Cognitive Fitness
  • Financial Well-being
  • Substance Use Management

Mental Health

Offers a private, convenient, on-demand solution for depression and anxiety through interactive assessments, mood checks, medicine and symptom trackers, and stress level assessments.

  • Depression and Anxiety Screenings
  • Stress Management Strategies
  • Cognitive and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Toolboxes
  • Alcohol and Tobacco Use Tracking
  • Daily Mood Checks
  • Appointment Reminders
  • Educational Resources
  • Medicine Reminders
With up to 80% engagement rates, New Ocean’s solutions show a measurable impact on your business. Additionally, independent studies of our completed private health assessments demonstrate the effectiveness of our platform.
Certified NCQA Wellness & Health Promotion - Health Appraisal
Certified NCQA Wellness & Health Promotion - Self-Management Tools
HITRUST Certified r2 Risk-Based 2-Year
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